Zusätzliche Seminare (in englischer Sprache)

051 737         Comparing Journalistic Codes of Ethics  
2st., Mi 16-18, GA 1/138 (bis 03.12.2017)
zzgl. 2 Blocktermine (werden noch bekannt gegeben

Systematisches Modul: Mediensysteme / Theorien und Methoden


Europe and Africa have had entangled history and a continued relationship that requires a special description. Of the area of such engagements is in journalism. At the root of journalism lies the ethics that guides the profession especially the codified ethics. Even though Africa and Europe differs significantly across countries, they interestingly share some commonalities and differences when it comes to content of journalistic codes of ethics. The aim of the course is to provide students with an overview of journalistic codes of ethics and their relationships with the media systems, adopting bodies and “wording” of the codes. The seminar deals with the journalistic codes of Ghana, Namibia, South Africa, Holland, England and Germany. What principles seem pronounced across the selected codes and what differences exist in different regions? These questions are fundamental to the seminar especially because it deals with comparisons that in a way demonstrate differences in media system across the world.


Bertrand, C.-J. (2000). Media Ethics and Accountability Systems. New Brunswick, London Transaction Publishers.

Hafez, K. (2002). Journalism Ethics Revisited: A Comparison of Ethics Codes in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and Muslim Asia, Political Communication, 19:2, 225-250

Laitila, T. (1995). Journalistic Codes of Ethics. European Journal of Communication 10:527-544

Serwornoo, M. Y.W. (2015, April). The Exploration of Journalistic Codes of Ethics in Anglophone West Africa. In a conference Intercultural Communication in Global Age: Political, Media and Cultural Challenges and Tensions. Conference hosted at Hanze University of Applied Sciences, School of Communication, Media and IT, Groningen, Nederlands. Retrieved from http://www.differenceandsolidarity.org

Fengler, S. et al. (2014). MediaAct Report.

Dozent: Michael Serwornoo

Christian Heinke