Prof. Dr. Henriette Gunkel
Professur für Transformationen audiovisueller Medien unter der besonderen Berücksichtigung von Gender und Queer Theory
Raum + Kontakt
Raum: GB 1/134
Telefon: 0234 / 32 – 25073
E-Mail: henriette.gunkel@rub.de
Sekretariat: Petra Köhne
Sprechstunde Montags 8:45-9:45
Year from | Year to | Appointment |
09/2019 | Professorin am Institut für Medienwissenschaft der Ruhr-Universität Bochum | |
09/2014 | 08/2019 | Lecturer in the Department of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths College, University of London |
09/2014 | 09/2016 | Project Leader of Subproject 4: Concepts of Future in MediaSpaces, Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies, University of Bayreuth, Germany |
08/2013 | 08/2014 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies, University of Bayreuth, Germany |
09/2013 | 11/2013 | Visiting Scholar at the Tisch School of the Arts, NYU, New York |
04/2013 | 07/2013 | Temporary Professorship in Anglophone and African Literature at the University of Bayreuth and Associate Researcher, Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies, University of Bayreuth, Germany |
02/2013 | 03/2013 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies, University of Bayreuth, Germany |
since 2013 | Associated Senior Fellow, Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS), Bayreuth University, Germany | |
02/2011 | 02/2013 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, BIGSAS, University of Bayreuth, Germany |
10/2010 | 02/2011 | Associate Lecturer, MA Intercultural Anglophone Studies, University of Bayreuth, Germany |
02/2008 | 09/2010 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Fort Hare, South Africa |
09/2007 | 01/2008 | Associate Lecturer and Tutor, School of Social Sciences, Media and Cultural Studies, University of East London, UK |
Date | Title of award | Subject | Awarding body |
2007 | PhD | Cultural Studies | School of Social Sciences, Media and Cultural Studies, University of East London, UK |
2000 | Post-graduate degree | Therapeutical Pedagogy [Diplom-Heilpädagogik] | Institute for Educational Science, University of Cologne, Germany |
Book Project »Alien Time«
Editorial Board member of the online journal Body Politics (first issue launched in January 2013, funded by the German Research Foundation for the first three years): http://bodypolitics.de/en
International Advisory Board member of darkmatter. in the ruins of imperial culture, an international peer-reviewed online journal (ISSN 2041-3254): http://www.darkmatter101.org/site
The Cultural Politics of Female Sexuality in South Africa. New York, London: Routledge. 2010. [1st edition sold out; currently print on demand. Paperback published July 2011]. ISBN: 978-0415872690.
Gunkel, H. and A. Hameed. Visual Cultures as … Time Travel. Berlin: Sternberg Press. 2021.
Edited Volumes:
Gunkel, H. and k. lynch (eds.) We Travel the Space Way: Black Imagination, Fragments and Diffraction. Bielefeld: Transcript. 2019.
Gunkel, H., A. Hameed and S. O’Sullivan (eds.) Futures & Fictions. London: Repeater. 2017. ISBN: 9781910924631. [Nominated for the 2018 Infinity Award, International Center of Photography/NYC]
Gunkel, H., Z. Matebeni and C. Raissiguier (eds.) ‘In Movement: Women in Africa and the African Diaspora.’ Special Issue for JENdA: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies. 2015. ISSN: 1530-5686.
Gunkel, H. and O. Stieglitz (eds.) ‘Sport und Körper’ [Sport and the Body]. Special Issue for the Online Journal Body Politics – Zeitschrift für Körpergeschichte (http://bodypolitics.de/en). 2014. ISSN 2196-4793.
Gunkel, H., M. Annas and A. Busch (eds.) Frieda Grafe. 30 Filme. Issue 1. Berlin: Brinkman & Bose. 2013. ISBN: 978-3940048165.
Gunkel, H., M. Annas and A. Busch (eds.) Frieda Grafe. 30 Filme. Issue 2. Berlin: Brinkman & Bose. 2013. ISBN: 978-3940048172.
Gunkel, H., M. Annas and A. Busch (eds.) Frieda Grafe. 30 Filme. Issue 3. Berlin: Brinkman & Bose. 2013. ISBN: 978-3940048189.
Gunkel, H., C. Nigianni and F. Söderbäck (eds.) Undutiful Daughters: New Directions in Feminist Thought and Practice. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2012. ISBN: 978-0230118317.
Körper in den Kulturwissenschaften (ed.) What can a body do? Praktiken und Figurationen des Körpers in den Kulturwissenschaften [What can a body do? Practices and Figurations of the Body within Cultural Studies]. Frankfurt am Main/New York: Campus. 2012. ISBN: 978-3593396415
Gunkel, H. and B. Pitcher (eds.) ‘Racism in the Closet: Interrogating Postcolonial Sexuality’, the third-themed issue of darkmatter. in the ruins of imperial culture (http://www.darkmatter101.org/site/category/issues/3-post-colonial-sexuality). 2008. ISSN 2041-3254.
Gunkel, Henriette (2024). “Zeug*innenschaft.” In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft. Jg. 16, Heft 30 (1/2024): Was uns ausgeht, pp. 133–135. DOI: http://doi.org/10.25969/mediarep/22007.
Gunkel, H. (2023). “Was Bleibt: Spektrale Infrastrukturen kolonialer Extraktion im Kontext Namibias”, In: Sprache und Literatur (Paderborn), Vol. 52 (1), pp. 49-69.
Gunkel, H. (2023). ‘Sand, Atmosphere, Memorialization: Some Reflections on the Remains of German Colonial Extraction in Namibia’s Desert’. In: INSERT. Artistic Practices as Cultural Inquiries, Vol. 4. Online: https://insert.art/ausgaben/dis-sense/sand-atmosphere-memorialization/.
Gunkel, H. (2022). ‘Vertigo Sea: Künstlerische Strategien der Desorientierung und Memoralisierung.‘ In: Rheinische Sektion der Kompostistischen Internationalen (ed.) Queerfeministische Kompostierungen des Anthropozäns. Ökologien, RaumZeiten, VerAntworten, Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, pp. 159-172.
Gunkel, H. and McGeorge, E. (2022). “Here, Between Times: (Speculative) Fieldnotes in Namibia’s Extractive Zone”. In: Crone, B., Nightingale, S., & Stanton, P. (eds.). Fieldwork for Future Ecologies: Radical practice for art and art-based research. Onomatopee. pp. 255-277. ISBN 978-94-93148-91-8.
Gunkel, H. (2021). ‘Codes, Raster, Technologien queerer Erinnerungslandschaften. Charlotte Prodgers SaF05.’ In: A. Deuber-Mankowsky, P. Hanke (eds.) Queeres Kino. Queere Ästhetiken als Dokumentation des Prekären. Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, pp. 97–117.
Gunkel, H. and Mushaandja, N. (2021). ‘Orientations Towards the Here and Now: Care and Presence in the Works of Frida Orupabo and Nkiruka Oparah.’ In: HIER UND JETZT im Museum Ludwig. Dynamische Räume / HERE AND NOW at Museum Ludwig. Dynamic Spaces. Ausstellungskatalog Museum Ludwig. Köln: Walther König, pp. 162-176.
Gunkel, H. and A. Hameed (2021). ‘A Conversation on Time Travel.’ In: Gunkel, H. and Ayesha Hameed, Visual Cultures as Time Travel. Berlin: Sternberg Press.
Gunkel, H. (2021). ‘Alien Time: Being in Vertigo’ In: Gunkel, H. and Ayesha Hameed, Visual Cultures as Time Travel. Berlin: Sternberg Press, pp. 59-80.
Reprinted in: Fink. K, Kohl, M.-A. and Siegert, N. (2020) (eds.) Ghosts, spectres, revenants. Hauntology as a means to think and feel future. Bayreuth und Johannesburg: IwalewaBooks. S. 17-35.
Gunkel H. (2020). “They Tried to Bury Us”. In: ASAP/Journal. b.O.s. 10.3. Online: https://asapjournal.com/node/b-o-s-10-3-they-tried-to-bury-us-henriette-gunkel/
Gunkel, H. and B. Crone (2019). ‘Future.’ In: Goodman, R. (ed.) Bloomsbury Handbook of Twenty-First Century Feminist Theory. London: Bloomsbury. pp. 481-490. ISBN: 9781350032408.
Gunkel, H (2019). ‘Erinnerungen an die Zukunft: zur Frage von Zeit in einem Kosmopolitischen Kino.’ In: Christen, M. and K. Rothemund (eds.) Cosmopolitan Cinema. Kunst und Politik in der Zweiten Moderne. Marburg: Schüren Verlag. 2019. pp. 173-184. ISBN: ISBN 978-3-89472-995-0.
Gunkel, H (2019). ‘Alienation, Fictioning, and Queer Discontent.‘ In: Gunkel, H. and k. lynch (eds.) We Travel the Space Ways: Black Imagination, Fragments and Diffraction. Bielefeld: Transcript. pp. 387-404. ISBN: 978-3-8376-4601-6.
Gunkel, H. and k. lynch (2019). ‘‘Lift Off…an Introduction.’ In: Gunkel, H. and k. lynch (eds.) We Travel the Space Ways: Black Imagination, Fragments and Diffraction. Bielefeld: Transcript. pp. 21-46. ISBN: 978- 3-8376-4601-6.
Gunkel, H (2018). ‘Rückwärts in Richtung Queerer Zukunft.’ In: Brunow, D. and S. Dickel (eds.) Queer Cinema. Mainz: testcard. beiträge zur popgeschichte. pp. 68-81. ISBN 978-3-95575-091-6.
Gunkel, H. and E. McGeorge (2017). ‘Companions Meet as Spaces Fold. A Conversation.’ In: Eline McGeorge, ed. As Spaces Fold, Companions Meet. London: Dent-De-Leone, pp. 167-175. ISBN 978-1-907908-41-5. http://research.gold.ac.uk/22764.
Gunkel, H., A. Hameed and S. O’Sullivan (2017). ‘Futures and Fictions: A Conversation between Henriette Gunkel, Ayesha Hameed and Simon O’Sullivan.’ In: Gunkel, H.; A. Hameed and S. O’Sullivan (eds.) Futures & Fictions. London: Repeater. 2017. Pp. 1-20. ISBN: 9781910924631.
Gunkel, H. and D. Kojo Schrade (2017). ‘Scavenging the Future of the Archive: A Conversation between Daniel Kojo Schrade and Henriette Gunkel.’ In: Gunkel, H.; A. Hameed and S. O’Sullivan (eds.) Futures & Fictions. London: Repeater. pp. 193-211. ISBN: 9781910924631.
Gunkel, H (2015). ‘“We’ve been to the moon and back” – das afrofuturistische Partikulare im universalisierten Imaginären’ [‘We’ve been to the moon and back’ – afrofuturist particularism within the universal imaginary]. In: Bergermann, U. and N. Heidenreich (eds.) total. Universalismen und Partikularismus in postkolonialer Medientheorie. Berlin: Transcript. pp. 149-162. ISBN 978-3-8376-2766-4.
Reprinted in: P. Kabo Koepsell (2015). (ed.) The Afropean Contemporary. Literatur- und Gesellschaftsmagazin: Berlin. pp. 77-87. ISBN: 978-3844283266.
Gunkel, H., Z. Matebeni and C. Raissiguier (2015). ‘Introduction: In Movement: Women in Africa and the African Diaspora.’ In: JENdA: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies. pp. 1-18. ISSN: 1530-5686.
Gunkel, H. and D. Kojo Schrade (2015). ‘Afronauts: A Conversation about Spaces In-Between.’ In: A. Busch und A. Franke (eds.) After Year Zero. Berlin: Haus der Kulturen der Welt. pp. 216-217. ISBN: 978-83-64177-25-5.
Gunkel, H., E. Haschemi Yekani, B. Michaelis und A. Michaelsen (2015). ‘Anrufung und Affekt. Ein Geprächstext über (Anti-)Rassismus und queere Gefühle.’ In: K. von Bose, U. Klöppel, K. Köppert,
K. Michalski & P. Treusch (eds.) I is for Impasse. Affektive Queerverbindungen in Theorie_Aktivismus_Kunst, Berlin: b_books. pp. 101-116. ISBN: 978-3942214216.
Gunkel, H (2015). ‘Distorted Processes of Becoming.’ In: T. Beyer, T. Burkhalter, H. Liechti (eds.) Seismographic Sounds. Visions of a New World. Bern: Norient. pp. 376-377. ISBN: 978-3-9524496-0-8.
Gunkel, H. and E. Haschemi Yekani (2015). ‘Tribute to José Esteban Muñoz.’ In: J. Fernández, D. Gallo González and V. Zink (eds.) W(h)ither Identity. Positioning the Self and Transforming the Social. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag. pp. 67-70. ISBN: 978-3-86821-637-0.
Gunkel, H. and M. Annas (2015). ‘An Act of Citizenship – Mozambican Films from Kuxa-Kanema to a Cinema of Resistance.’ In: Schuhmann, A. and J. Mistry (eds.) African Women in Film. Pretoria: Unisa Press. pp. 148-160. ISBN: 978-1-86814-856-1.
Gunkel, H. and Olaf Stieglitz (2014). ‘Verqueerte Laufwege – Sport & Körper in Geschichtswissenschaften und Cultural Studies.’ In: Body Politics 2, Heft 3. pp. 5-20. ISSN: 2196-4793.
Gunkel, H. and D. Kojo Schrade (2014). ‘Afronauts: Malerei aus dem Zwischenraum.’ In: Malmoe, No. 69. Online: http://malmoe.org/artikel/erlebnispark/2889.
Gunkel, H. (2013). ‘Spiegelungen von color bars? Keller in Südafrika, 1951’ [Reflections of the color bars? Keller in South Africa, 1951]. In: Bergermann, U. (ed.) Disability trouble. Ästhetik und Bildpolitik bei Helen Keller. Berlin: b_books, as part of the series PolyPen. pp. 309-317. ISBN: 978-3942214094.
Gunkel, H. (2013). ‘Désiré.’ In: Annas, M., A. Busch and H. Gunkel (eds.) Frieda Grafe. 30 Filme. Issue 3, Berlin: Brinkman & Bose. pp. 177-181. ISBN: 978-3940048189.
Gunkel, H. (2013). ‘The Politics of Appearance in Global Petitions – Some Reflections on Postcolonial Homophobia, Local Interventions and Queer Solidarity Online.’ In: African Studies Review, No. 56/02. pp 67-81. ISSN: 0002-0206.
Gunkel, H. (2012). ‘Introduction: A Politics of Visibility.’ In: Gunkel, H., C. Ngianni and F. Söderbäck (eds.) Undutiful Daughters: New Directions in Feminist Thought and Practice. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 129-140. ISBN: 978-0230118317.
Gunkel, H. (2012). ‘Queer Times Indeed? Südafrikas Reaktionen auf die mediale Inszenierung der 800Meter Läuferin Caster Semenya.’ In: Feministische Studien, No. 1. pp. 44-52. ISSN: 0723-5186.
Gunkel, H. and E. Haschemi Yekani (2012). ‘Praxis (Sich-)Fortbewegen’ [Practice: To Move (Forward)]. In: Körper in den Kulturwissenschaften (ed.) What can a body do? Praktiken und Figurationen des Körpers in den Kulturwissenschaften. Frankfurt am Main/New York: Campus, Praktiken. pp. 57-69. ISBN: 978-3593396415.
Gunkel, H. and O. Stieglitz (2012). ‘Praxis Sex Machen/Sex Haben’ [Practice: To Make/To Have Sex]. In: Körper in den Kulturwissenschaften (ed.) What can a body do? Praktiken und Figurationen des Körpers in den Kulturwissenschaften. Frankfurt am Main/New York: Campus, Praktiken. pp. 97-110. ISBN: 978-3593396415.
Gunkel, H. (2011). ‘“…after a short illness” – Vom Umgang mit Tod und dem Status der eigenen Endlichkeit im Kontext Südafrikas’ [“…after a short illness” – Some Reflections on death and the status of one’s own eternity in the context of South Africa]. In: Polar 10: Tod und Gesellschaft. Berlin: Campus Verlag. pp. 57-61. ISBN: 9783593394183.
Gunkel, H. (2011). “Re/Positioning African Media Studies. Die Herausforderung, Postkolonialität und Medialität zusammenzudenken” [Re/Positioning African Media Studies. The Challenge of thinking Postcoloniality within Media Studies]. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaf, No. 4. 2011. Pp. 198-203. ISSN: 1869-1722.
Gunkel, H. (2010). ‘“I myself had a sweetie…” – Re-thinking female same-sex intimacy beyond the institution of marriage and identity politics.’ In: Social Dynamics. A Journal of African Studies. Published by Routledge, in association with the Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town. No. 36/3. pp. 497-512. ISSN: 0253-3952.
Gunkel, H. and C. König (2010). ‘“You are not welcome here”: Post-Apartheid Negrophobia and Real Aliens in Blomkamp’s District 9.’ In: darkmatter. in the ruins of imperial culture, No. 7. Online: http://www.darkmatter101.org/site/2010/02/07/you-are-not-welcome-here. ISSN: 2041-3254.
Gunkel, H. (2009). ‘“What’s identity got to do with it?” – Thinking Intimacy beyond Heterosexuality and Kinship in Contemporary South Africa.’ In: NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research. Published by Routledge, No. 17/3. pp. 206-221. ISSN: 0803-8740.
Gunkel, H. (2009). ‘Through the post-colonial eyes: images of female same-sex intimacy in contemporary South Africa.’ In: Special Issue of the Journal for Lesbian Studies on ‘The Lesbian Image in International Popular Culture’, No. 13/1. pp. 77-87. ISSN: 1064-2684.
Republished in: Cooper, Sara E. (2009). (ed.) Lesbian Images in International Popular Culture. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 73-83. ISBN: 9780415845601.
Gunkel, H. (2008) ‘“What do we see when we look at ourselves?” – Visual dissidence towards (post)colonial sex/gender organisations within post-apartheid South African culture.” In: Rocchi, Jean-Paul (ed.) Dissidences et Identités Plurielles. Nancy: Presses Universitaires de Nancy. pp. 160-185. ISBN: 978-2-86480-899-2.
Gunkel, H. and B. Pitcher (2008). ‘Editorial: Racism in the Closet – Interrogating Postcolonial Sexuality.’ In: darkmatter. in the ruins of imperial culture, No. 3. Online: http://www.darkmatter101.org/site/2008/05/02/racism-in-the-closet-interrogating-postcolonial-sexuality/. ISSN: 2041-3254.
Gunkel, H. and B. Pitcher (2008). ‘Q&A with Jasbir Puar.’ In: darkmatter. in the ruins of imperial culture. No.3. Online: http://www.darkmatter101.org/site/2008/05/02/qa-with-jasbir-puar/. ISSN: 2041-3254.
Gunkel, H. (2006). ‘Pride and Prejudice.’ In: analyse&kritik. Zeitung für linke Debatte und Praxis, No. 503. Online: https://www.akweb.de/ak_s/ak503/33.htm. ISSN: 0945-1153.
Gunkel, H. (2005). ‘I’m a legal lesbian in Joburg.’ In: Gigi, Zeitschrift für sexuelle Emanzipation, No. 40.
Gunkel, H. (2003). ‘Schwarze Körper Weißer Herren’ [Black Bodies White Men]. In: Gigi, Zeitschrift für sexuelle Emanzipation, No. 27.
Gunkel, H. (2003). ‘Spiegelbild der Gesellschaft. Geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt in Südafrika’ [The Mirror Image of Society. Gender-based Violence in South Africa]. In: iz3w – blätter des informationszentrums 3. Welt, No. 270. pp. 36-37. ISSN: 1614–0095.
Gunkel, H. (2002) ‘Schwarze Feminismen. Afrikanische Wissenschaftlerinnen diskutieren über Womanism’ [Black Feminisms. African Scholars discuss Womanism]. In: iz3w – blätter des informationszentrums 3. Welt, No. 264. pp. 36-37. ISSN: 1614-0095.