25.07.2017 | GUIOMAR ROVIRA (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco / MX)
Connected Multitudes – Jetztzeit in the on life revolts

“On life” is the phenomenon that entangles the dimensions in situ and on line. Contemporary struggles share the ability to create symbiotic spaces in the physical and digital world, connecting the streets to global streams of indignation. These are the core characteristics of a new cycle of revolting that emerges worldwide in the year 2011. Technology becomes a synergy, decisions are taken by moving bodies and digital devices, highlighting its cyborg capacities. The reappropriation of technologies and digital spaces to build emotional states and common notions of empowering calls for a redefinition of technopolitics, a form of collective action not exclusive to mobilized activists or people with political awareness, but one that brings with it the political irruption of the anybody as a qualitatively new spinozian crowd: the connected multitude.
Biographical Note
Guiomar Rovira is lecturer at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, unidad Xochimilco, Mexico City, for the Studies of Social Communication and Political Communication. She wrote her PhD on transnational networks of solidarity with the indigenous rebellion in Chiapas and the cycle of protests against globalization. She recently published Activismo en Red y Multitudes Conectadas (2017).