16.12: Komplexitätstheoretiker und Mobilitätsforscher John Urry im bkm

John Urry
im Bochumer Kolloquium Medienwissenschaft

16/12/09, GABF 04/611, 18:00 Uhr

Mobile Futures
Der Vortrag untersucht die mobilen Leben, wie sie während des 20. Jahrhundert in Bewegung gesetzt wurden. Zudem wird gefragt, ob diese Mobilitäten im 21. Jahrhundert weiter anwachsen werden, in einem Jahrhundert, das voraussichtlich durch Klimawandel, hohe Bevölkerungszuwächse und durch viele sich erschöpfende Ressourcen geprägt sein wird. Vor diesem Hintergrund gilt es, verschiedene Zukünfte der Mobilität zu erkunden.

An examination of the nature of mobile lives set in motion during the twentieth century; and an analysis of whethter those mobilities will be able to continue to grow in the twenty first century, a century likely to be characterised by climate change, peaking of oil, huge population increases and many resource constraints. There will be some analysis of various mobility futures.

John Urry is Distinguished Professor of Sociology at Lancaster University, UK; Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts; Founding Academician, UK Academy of Social Sciences; Chair Sociology RAE Panel (1996, 2001); Honorary Doctorate, Roskilde University. Currently Director of the Centre for Mobilities Research with research funding from EPSRC, ESRC, Forestry Commission, Department for Transport, and Department of Trade and Iustry (Foresight).

He has published c40 books and special issues of journals, c70 refereed articles and c100 chapters. Recent books include Sociology beyond Societies (2000), The Tourist Gaze. Second Edition (2002), Global Complexity (2003), Performing Tourist Places (2004), Automobilities (2005), Mobilities, Networks, Geographies (2006), Mobilities (2007), Aeromobilities (2009), After the Car (2009). He is currently writing Mobile Lives, co-editing a journal special issue on Global Heating and Social Science, co-writing a third edition of The Tourist Gaze, and co-editing a book on Mobile Methods.

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Christian Heinke