Mediathek – Fundsachen – Dezember 2022

Cartoon des Monats

»Attention, passengers. Did you hear that really important update I just gave? You didn’t, did you? Well, I hope that podcast was worth it, because I won’t be saying it again.«
Benjamin Schwartz •

Medium des Monats

Im »The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special« begeben sich die Guardians, die Peter Quill ein unvergessliches Weihnachtsfest bescheren sollen, auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Geschenk auf die Erde.

Artikel des Monats

Alan Rickman Almost Turned Down »Die Hard« But One Thing About The Script Changed His Mind

Much has been made of »Die Hard« and its enduring charm as not just a quintessential ’80s blockbuster but one of the finest action movies ever made.

Christian Heinke